October is National Pharmacy Month, and this week marks National Pharmacy Week, a time to highlight the remarkable work that pharmacists and pharmacy teams do. At New Narrative, we’re especially proud of our in-house pharmacy, which plays a crucial role in supporting our clients’ journeys toward wellness and independence. Each year, our pharmacy team provides essential services to around 1,000 participants (roughly 500 each month and 125 each week), offering not only medication but a network of support, safety, and compassion. Here’s a look at the unique benefits our in-house pharmacy brings to the New Narrative community.
Why an In-House Pharmacy Matters
For mental health care providers, quick access to medication can be life-changing. Our in-house pharmacy allows New Narrative’s clinical and residential teams to respond rapidly to participants’ needs, providing real-time adjustments to medication regimens when necessary. As Pharmacy Technician Tiffany Tom-Laughlin shares, “The benefits of having an in-house pharmacy are that meds can be readily available to our clients and staff.” For participants who may not have insurance, the pharmacy can even bill medications at cost, making care more affordable.
Being integrated within New Narrative means that our pharmacy team is deeply connected to our mission. While some similar agencies in the area may have outpatient pharmacies, few are as hands-on in long-term care and as involved in every step of the client’s journey. Pharmacist in Charge Robert Grimm, who brings almost 30 years of experience to New Narrative, points out, “Medication additions, changes, and adjustments can occur almost immediately if required.”
The Team Behind the Pharmacy
Our dedicated pharmacy team brings decades of combined experience. Robert will celebrate 30 years in the field in 2025, Tiffany has been working in pharmacy since 1999, and Anne joined the profession as a second career nine years ago. Their commitment to our clients is a testament to their expertise and passion. As Medical Director Daniel Nicoli points out, our pharmacy team is “incredibly efficient with a number of complex roles, including being on call 24/7, supporting all residential sites with medication questions, packaging medications, and handling other tasks beyond the typical pharmacy model.”
Challenges and Rewards of Pharmacy Work

Anne poses with a piece of pharmacy equipment which allows medications to be labeled and packaged for ease of delivery
Like any vital role, the work of our pharmacy team is both rewarding and challenging. For Tiffany, the most rewarding part is “seeing the progression of our clients throughout the years.” For Robert, it’s
witnessing participants move forward, eventually no longer needing services—a bittersweet win that reflects the positive impact New Narrative has on individual lives. He adds, “it means we as a collective group of providers made a positive difference for that one individual. The small victories keep me inspired.”
The challenges our team faces are substantial, too. Pharmacy Technician Anne Wheeler explains, “We never have snow days. If there is a community-wide disaster, we have to show up to care for our people as soon as we are able.” Robert adds that staying current with fast-changing medication regimens is particularly difficult when participants are in crisis or hospitalized. Tiffany notes the lack of incoming documentation from other referral agencies can sometimes be an obstacle to a smooth transition and continuity of care. “There is a lot of work on the pharmacy end to ensure that our clients receive the care they deserve.” Ensuring patient safety is top of mind for the team.
What Our Team Wishes You Knew
Pharmacy work in a nonprofit setting like New Narrative’s doesn’t fit the traditional model of quick prescriptions and retail-style interactions. Instead, it’s a careful balance of managing complex medication needs with empathy and precision. Robert observes, “Most people believe all pharmacies fall into the retail model. Nonprofit pharmacy entities like ours are truly unique, aiming to help underserved populations in ways people often don’t realize.”
The role of navigating the patient information between the residential and clinical teams and the pharmacy is not easy. Tiffany notes that the pharmacy can also play a part in solution-building: “It’s also nice at times when I can help staff navigate through the issue they are having,” she says.
Each team member emphasizes how crucial it is to manage even the smallest details—details that ultimately protect patient safety and contribute to long-term health outcomes. Anne points out their need for details isn’t just a personal preference. “We are nationally certified and state licensed. We have to do things according to law and best practices,” she says. “We have the ability to ease a lot of suffering, but a mistake can kill. This is why we are always insisting on nit-picky details.”
Advice for Future Pharmacy Professionals
Our pharmacists have some ideas for anyone just starting their career as a pharmacy professional. Tiffany says, “Being a pharmacy technician, I would express that keep an open mind and find the pharmacy setting that fits yourself. Don’t compromise your ethics of your worth in the field and be willing to be a sponge for information and apply it. Most everything I learned in a book never applied to the field I have worked in. Hands on is the best way to gain actual knowledge in this field.” Robert adds, “Use your first couple of years to figure out the setting of pharmacy that fits you. More people should know there are non-profit pharmacy entities trying to help various underserved populations.”
Celebrating Pharmacy Professionals – Past, Present and Future
In celebration of National Pharmacy Month, we want to acknowledge the vital role our pharmacy team plays. With 24/7 on-call availability, a commitment to patient-centered care, and a hands-on approach, they ensure that participants receive the safest, most effective care possible.
The hard work is worth it, according to Tiffany. “My role is ever changing, and I will always put the work in even if it isn’t in my job description to do so. I have worked for this agency going on 14 years and I have held many job titles, but I think the most important thing about my job is that we are making a positive impact in our communities.” Robert credits the close-knit relationship in their small department for the successful communication and teamwork they experience every day. Anne adds, “I’m so grateful for the job and the work we do. It feels wonderful to make a positive difference in an area of such need.”
Our in-house pharmacy is not just a service; it’s a lifeline, a partner in recovery, and a testament to New Narrative’s dedication to its community. Thank you to our pharmacy team for their invaluable contributions!