It’s time for a new narrative for mental health

Nearly one in five U.S. adults currently lives with a diagnosable mental health condition. Yet the dominant treatment model is still one size fits all, focusing mostly on people’s symptoms rather than their needs, goals, and dreams. We believe everyone deserves to participate in the community without stigma or fear. To have a safe place to live, hold steady employment, and build lasting relationships. We’re here to create a new narrative for mental health. To move away from treating mental health conditions as problems that need “fixing,” and toward a model that embraces what you want out of life.

We are partners in care

Our participants are in charge of their own wellness journey. We walk with them in their decisions and priorities to create a whole life.  With services that inspire choice and independence, everyone creates their own version of a life worth living.

A full continuum of care

We meet each participant as an individual, working alongside as they shape and plan their journey.  We offer access to clinical care and housing, skill-building to participate in the community, opportunities to create their own wellness program, or build relationships with peers with shared experiences.

Our door is always open

We value the power of community. This includes strengthening the communities we build at New Narrative and helping participants integrate within the larger community. Many of our programs are staffed with peer specialists who provide encouragement and support based on lived experiences, and who can walk alongside as program participants find their voice.

Community Partners

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