Transitional housing

Our transitional housing sites aim to provide a safe and comfortable community as our participants figure out the next steps on their housing journey. These locations include onsite staffing with a focus on developing the resources, skills, knowledge, and planning needed to achieve the desired independent housing outcomes. We believe that with fewer housing barriers, and with a supportive team to walk alongside, participants can focus on thriving, not just surviving.

Permanent supportive housing

We understand that people sometimes need a variety of supports to live their best life in the community. Our permanent supportive housing programs partner to provide resources to participants to thrive in their home. These sites include onsite staffing and offer a variety of therapeutic and operational resources and tools for living the most independent life. These are sites that participants can call a permanent home.

Independent housing

No matter who it is, having a safe and comfortable home is key to leading a good quality of life. Our independent housing sites are standalone apartment buildings kept at affordable rental rates to provide permanence to participants, particularly if facing discrimination and other barriers to housing. Suited to independence, these sites have no permanent staffing. If community-based services or visit to one of our local clinics is requested, our property management team happily makes those connects. We’re always here to serve.

Contact our New Narrative Property Management team to learn more. Call or text (971) 341-4111 or email

Community Resources for housing placement

Washington and Multnomah Counties manage screening for housing placement.
If you are located in Washington County, please call Community Connect at (503)640-3263 or email

If you are located in Multnomah County:

Adults: Please contact the Coordinated Housing Access Team (CHAT) Hotline at 844-765-9384. You can also visit the Transition Projects website to complete an online pre-screening by filling out this form.

For culturally specific assessments for the BIPOC community, you can call/email the BIPOC CHAT Line at 503-280-2600 x 654 or

Veterans: Call the Veteran Services hotline at 855-425-5544.

Families: Call 211 for assessment.

Domestic Violence Survivors: Call to Safety 503-235-5333 or, for Spanish, Project UNICA 503-232-4448 (more info and resources for survivors)

Unaccompanied Youth (Under age 25): Contact Janus Youth through their Access Center: 635 SW Alder St, Portland or 503-432-3986.